Ja sent me a bit of a game this weekend, by phone. He text'd me asking If I saw him sitting in the back of a police car, what would he be getting arrested for? The idea is to text back the crime you believe he was capable of having committed, then forward the thing to others to see what crime they thing YOU might do.
Clear as mud? Anyway.. Ja was arrested for lipping off to the officers, according to me. In return, I was arrested for Poison by apple pie (No Pie for YOU!), indecent exposure and prostitution, of all things!
Last night on my way home, I notice there's a police car just behind me, in the next lane over, as I merge onto the motorway. So I rein it in, resist the impulse to squash my pedal to 80 and just sit in the slow lane hoping he'll go by and disappear.
He didn't give me a lot of time to feel nervous. His headlights pulled in behind me at the same time he hit his colored lights. My stomach sunk.
No, I wasn't about to get arrested for indecent exposure or ANYTHING to do with pie.. and I wasn't arrested. My MOT had expired. Lou and I had only been talking about it the night before... and I'd told myself I needed to get it done, although I still wasn't sure what date it was up.
Well, now I know. All these years I've been here, I've been doing it wrong. MOT has it's own birthday, NOT the same as when the tax is payable. My lesson has cost me £60.
I'm taking the day off to get the car's MOT done.
What is MOT? Well, I "Googled" it. MOT can mean..."a legally-required roadworthiness test in Great Britain." Or, Mot can mean..."the god of death in the Canaanite religion." MOT can also mean..."a contemporary art gallery in East London."
Thank you Wikipedia. ;) And thanks Nony for expanding my vocabulary.
the god of death.. lol, made me laugh! I certainly felt like that, all thunder and simmering rage that evening ;)
I like Wiki too!
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