Sunday, November 01, 2009

Winter is coming.

The wind has been howling all day, with the rain intermittently pelting the last of the golden leaves from the trees. It's been a good day to stay inside but do confess it's left me feeling melancholy. I won't go into that though.

My poor little car did not pass it's annual check up. In fact, it needs some very expensive parts. So expensive that they aren't even kept in stock and need to be ordered. It should be finished Monday afternoon. Until then, my lil red racecar is in lockup over the weekend, waiting to have it's suspension repaired. There is an upside however. I can't get to work. LOL. Okay, truthfully, Loubie has offered to let me take her car and she would take a taxi as she's so much closer... but I don't wanna. I'll have to part with almost half this months' paycheck and I think I deserve a day to recover.

I visited the doc this week for an update on my bp. I've been taking the lowest dose possible for three weeks and the bp has dropped substantially! It still needs to be just a tad lower so she's doubled my dose but I'm thrilled. From what I've read, some people don't respond to the medicine and if I'd had to take more than one kind of med to get the reading low enough, I wouldn't have been allowed to donate.

I wish the weather were warmer. There's a candlelight vigil in Liverpool this evening at 8pm in support of a young man who was recently beaten by a gang of about 20 youths when he was spotted coming out of a local gay bar. I would have liked to have gone but will content myself with filling the front windows of our home with lit candles in support.

Loubie's scheduled for a total hysterectomy at the end of December. We've worried for years about this, knowing it was inevitable. She's got what's called 'frozen pelvis' in that all her bits in there are 'glued' together by endometriosis and adhesions.. making this surgery quite risky. The upside is that by waiting, she's been referred to a cancer doctor! Yeah, I can feel your eyebrows shooting up.. she's not got cancer, but this doctor is better trained at the more detailed work she'll be needing by virtue of his abilities in eradicating cancerous bits. He's nice too.

My daughter said we should start a club.. Tummyscars. lol.

Yesterday was my neice's birthday.. the neice who was hit and killed 18 mos ago by a drunk driver.

I want uneventful to return. Even boring would be nice. I want one of those years when you schedule a vacation just to do something.. not to escape from your life. Do we only get boring lives before 20 yrs old .. and it becomes impossible later?


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the bp! Snaps to you!

I can feel you on the car thingy. My rack is going bad but because it isn't leaking, they say I have time but don't know how much. Like with yours, they will have to order a new rack. Who would have ever thought power steering can go bad!

I agree that you should take time for yourself while the red racer is being primed.

Hugs to (((((Loubie)))))

I will light some candles tonight.

Hugs to (((((YOU))))) too. Here's wishing boring very soon.

Ginny said...

Sorry about your car.

Tell Lou I understand her fears... I had a total hysterectomy on 08/08/08. Mine was also done by a gynecological oncologist because she was experienced in doing robotic hysterectomies. Unfortunately I wasn't a candidate for it because of my size. Fortunately she was still able to do my surgery with the assistance of a plastic surgeon. At least Lou probably will not need a hip to hip incision, and need to spend 3+ weeks in a nursing/rehab facility.

Keeping both of you in my thoughts.