Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Lynne's been helping me apply for jobs. With my CV online, her idea of relaxing is to scan the jobs and do the instant click-apply thing for me. Sounds weird, and you may laugh but I tend to talk myself out of applying for stuff. I feel like I never have enough experience or qualifications, LOL!

It's a great system!! And the phone has been ringing! I had an agency interview today. Took a phone call from a business as I came out of that office and returned a missed call to another agency when I got home. @head spinning@

The job I went to Leeds to interview for is looking dim. I phoned the actual company with the vacancy to find out they were postphoning the hire for 3-4 months. They're having trouble with an employee, she said and that they couldn't predict when they'd be able to fill the position. We've interpreted that in a number of ways.. none of which get me in there soon.

But we shall see. I'm excited. I'm scared. I'm throwing myself out there and trying to field ALL the balls.


nelle said...

Lynne be starting that snowball rolling, eh? Good for Lynne - and you!

Excited and scared work, how I know that combination!

Lessee... way I figure it, you should be PM inside of ten years.

Vanda said...

Good luck and you will find that perfect job.

Anonymous said...

Job hunting can indeed be very stressful and frustrating. It is good that you have someone to encourage you and give support. I am certain that you will be successful in finding the right job, which will propel you into a rewarding career.

Take care,

The Editor of The Blazing Firebird Journal

Trop said...

Job hunting can be quite humiliating. But then in the end, something breaks, and the job you were always meant to have happens.

Francesca said...

Wishing you luck with the job hunt. If it takes a while it just means that the right one is being shaped for you.

Hang in's coming...