Saturday, February 17, 2007


I have been thinking lately about religion-based bigotry. Okay, I think about it a LOT.

Bible thumpers say that it's God's Law. They say judges who try to promote equality are legislating from the bench and call them activist judges.

BUT.. if you look back a few decades, to the fight for equality for people of color, you'll find the Bible also used as the foundation for their bigotry. They voted and passed laws to make people second-class citizens. The Supreme Court though said that equality wasn't something that was up for any vote. Equality isn't and can't be dictated by the majority.

I wonder if the people who adamantly refuse equality for GLBT folk see the parallels? Would they like to find themselves compared to those who opposed racial equality? If they were back in the heyday of that struggle, would they say the Supreme Court judges were legislating from the bench?

Wonder what Mom would think of the comparison? Wish I could point it out without alienating her.

She thinks it's wrong that I'm so far from my kids. But she also votes against me. It seems to me that she'd only be happy if I lived a lie, or snuck around.

Yeah, THAT'S what Jesus would do.

(above picture from

1 comment:

nelle said...

It surely is pointed out to them, but few seem willing to hear.