Sunday, November 04, 2007

EXPOSED!! My crap posting talents...

All right, in attempting to post more than one picture, I risk exploding head syndrome. I've never been able to set them properly in between writing, which I see as necessary to describe the pics.

So if this goes all over the place.. or you never hear from me again, know that I did this for you. FEEL THE GUILT.

We open with a pic of the hallway; front door at the far end, stairs immediately to the left of the door.

This little space with the table and bookcase used to be the kitchen and still is in the houses to either side of ours. I honestly don't know how they cook in such a tight space. 'Course, I AM the worlds biggest mess-maker when I cook!

The livingroom, including our fireplace and the back part with the scary wallpaper;

We're going to eventually buy another small couch and a recliner for this back space. Some matching bookcases and a good reading/sewing light would be great too.

The last owners put up a new addition for the kitchen. While there are a few things I'd like to add and change, the space is pretty enormous for our price range.
One end of that big living room was originally intended to be a diningroom. Those are nice, but such a waste of unused space - unless you have dinner parties a lot. The kitchen is such a natural gathering spot, I feel it's much nicer to have the table in there. Luckily Lynne agrees with me.


Leigh Russell said...

Congratulations on getting your permits sorted and welcome to the UK. I hope you're going to be very happy here. I read your previous posts - time to move on and make a good life for yourself. Children grow up and leave and it's never easy. The best thing you can do is let them know you're settled in your life and there for them. That's all any parent can do. It's up to your children to find their own way.

Trop said...

It's beautiful Nony!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Great looking place!!!
how does Rizzo like it? Does he have his own room?

Nony said...

EVERY room belongs to Rizzo! Heck she's here more than we are so it seems only fair to say the place is more hers than ours!!

I'll post bedroom, bath and backyard pics shortly~

Anonymous said...

"Luckily Lynne agrees with me." That's cute - made me giggle.

I REALLY like your place!

Nony said...

Thanks Shawny! We fell in love with it as soon as we stepped through the door! And as for agreeing, Loub wanted an upstairs for the bedrooms and I wanted a backyard. The rest was negotiable ;)