Wednesday, December 12, 2007


He's not avoiding me or blocking my calls..

you know what's coming next, right? Go ahead and just smack me now because yes, I blew things ever further out of proportion..

His mobile phone is cut off till payday.

I'm just glad I didn't bitch about it to him or his sister.

Ass=Nony, Nony=Ass.


Anonymous said...

i'm sure you gots a cute ass tho.
ya know...and i could probably write a novel on this but i won't...and its difficult to explain...I was so jealous of you having the guts to pack your bags and move across the puddle to be with the little woman when I told Lise I had to saty here...cause of the kids. I look at what you have gone through and what I have gone through and it seems that it really didnt matter either way. Being close or far away we seem to still have parellel issues...ok so it makes sense to me.

nelle said...

lmao at Kitty and the Cute Ass...

that said, a cute arse is different than being an arse, and you are no arse.

Goddess, does that make sense???

Nony said...

Makes sense to me too, tookie.

Over here I've sort of escaped that feeling of responsibility that makes me try to solve all the kids' problems (Which they either resented or took advantage of, depending).

But I also get very very few of the 'good times' experiences.

We have some wonderful visits on the phone and computer but not the 'being there' physical reassurance.

I try to tell myself there's a balance. If I were there, they'd not talk to me as much or go into the depths we reach because we're not together.

I would be woken by calls from the police or have irresponsible expectations placed upon me if I were there...

Their Dad would moan at me for his ineffectual attempts at parenting or blame me for the kids resistance to his authority..

And they weren't even living with me. The pleasure of their company was pretty rare and I had to bribe them to spend time with me.

I don't miss any of that, and being here is much better for Lou and I as a couple than being in the US...

Rare as they were, I know I'm still missing out on the good times with the kids. I can understand it rationally and know that with balance I can't have everything...

but it doesn't stop me wanting.

And I hope that you get to spend good times, enjoyable times with your kids. I can't say for certain that it makes all the other crap worth it. But it's always a lovely bonus.

I'm thinking of you and wishing good things for you and yours~