Friday, September 26, 2008

I Don't Like Having to Think of a Title

I love my woman. She's beautiful, oh so sexy, smart and funny. If I make her laugh too hard, she gets hiccups. I am seriously impressed with the career she's made for herself and, even seeing only the last seven years of her efforts, can assure you she's worked incredibly hard for all she's achieved. When she looks at me with her silky grey-blue eyes, I wonder how I could be so lucky.

Work is a crazy place. The court team works in a meduim sized room, most of them secretly snitching the last of the unbroken chairs from eachother, a mad pandemonium of juggling court dates, breach paperwork and arranging cover for the unexpected execution of warrants. There are moments when I wonder if I know enough to be doing some of the tasks I get into.. but I've managed to land in one of the few desks that has it's own phone. And 'mine' rings the loudest. Still I've learned loads this way and many readily offer information and solutions when I get stuck.

It's a custom here to take turns making tea and coffee for coworkers. Some of the more clever ones only offer when the room's nearly empty, when most of the enforcement officers are out at court and there's maybe only 6 or seven of us in the room. If you take first rounds, when everyone's in, it takes two trips, with a fully-laden tray each time. LOL, did I tell you we're one flight up too? The tea routine makes me laugh. Ja, our manager is incredibly finicky about the amount of milk he takes. It's rare for anyone to make it 'properly' and almost more fun to purposely mess up his cuppa just for the faces he makes. Then there are the ones who rarely take their turn at brewing. They get teased too.

It's silly but our cat makes me smile every day. She treats us both differently, looks for a certain kind of loving from me and a different kind from Lou. Luckily the 'I'm laying on you while you sleep' loving is reserved for Lou! Though I do remember waking up one morning, flat on my belly in the bed with Rizzo laying smack between my shoulder blades!

Our veggie garden hasn't been a roaring success. The broccoli got completely eaten with little caterpillars left my those white butterflies. I left the beets too close. There's one artichoke on my bush and ALL the lettuce gave up the will after their first flush. Zucchini are going gangbusters and the potatoes were great. We've even got a few ears of corn. I suspect the dirt needs plenty of improvement, it's quite sandy.

Lou's sister has had her op. What's left of the one side of her lung has yet to keep itself inflated, so she's got to remain in the hospital. It'll be two weeks on Tuesday and she's getting depressed. The docs have said it's only a stage one tumor and they believe they may have got it all.. but we have to wait for the actual cancer docs to confirm. They won't see her till she's recovered from the lung surgery. Nobody know if that means fully-recovered.. like 6 months.. or something else. But everyone is feleing the strain of worry.

My little one goes in for a checkup next Tuesday. We're hoping it shows her kidney function up further and her calcium levels doing better.

I've got so many things to be glad for, reasons to be grateful. The worry and the way it colors my life can feel overwhelming, so this is me, counting my blessings.


Anonymous said...

Best wishes for Lynne's sister...

OMG you grew an artichoke. Have I ever mentioned artichokes are to die for? I could eat three boxes of artichoke hearts in one sitting...

and there there was the time M tried to order a pizza with artichokes on it. This was in Madison, WI, and she did not think the pizza place would understand her Lincolnshire accent. I downplay this... you speak English better than anyone there does, why wouldn't they?

So she calls... and I hear the word 'artichoke' repeated, once... twice, a third time, at which we both burst out laughing and she hands the phone to me.

Nony said...

lmao.. you know, I'm going to EAT that artichoke too! It'll be the first I've had since I moved here.