Sunday, September 21, 2008

Yesterday was Beautiful

I spent the whole day outside yesterday. We've had the best weather of the entire year and I couldn't drag myself inside.

I trimmed and deadheaded. Pulled the onions and tied them all onto a wire, like you see garlic sometimes, to hang in the garage, hopefully keeping better. Pulled some carrots and found three more zucchini hiding amongst giant prickly leaves.

I pulled the netting off the strawberry bed when I saw a frog trapped in there, then gave those plants their fall haircut. Saw another frog right after I turned over the old onion bed. The big frog jumping against the netting freaked me out. He wasn't exactly pretty (picture a sulferous yellow-green flabby, squished-looking thing) but I'm thinking they must be good for my gardens. I haven't got a pond or any standing water .. they must be in there for the bugs. Perhaps I'll google exactly how to build a frog house for them.

I mowed then edged up more of the lawn. Still haven't finished the edging but that work takes it out of me. All that exertion, bending over, makes me lightheaded, LOL. I rearranged some plants in the flower border and remeasured the space in the veggie garden to better plan the beds next year. I deep-watered a bunch of the potted plants, sinking them into a full bucket of water till they stopped sending up air bubbles. You could feel their gratitude...

Some of the potted plants have grown tatty at the summer's end. Those got chucked into the green bin. I'm wanting winter pansies now, since I saw them on Gardeners World. I feel a trip to the nursery coming on, my petunias won't last much longer either.

The cat kept me company, twining around me when I was on my knees, tickling me with her tail. If I sat in a chair for too long, she'd bounce onto my lap for a stroke. Wierd that, she won't get onto our laps in the house... I could hear her chattering when the birds came to the feeders and had to put her inside when she stalked and nearly caught one. Naughty puss.

At six it got chilly and by eight it was nearly dark. I made us chicken noodle soup from the leftovers of a pre-cooked chicken we'd had the day before. Lou lit candles in the livingroom, we opened a bottle of wine and watched an Adam Sandler movie, then an Irish comedian and laughed like the little goofballs we are.

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