now wait six weeks before 'Go'. LOL
It's the bi-annual trip to visit my kids.. and yes, I'm wearing a GIANT smile and even have goosebumps of pleasure in my happy anticipation.
I already feel better, knowing I'll see them and smell them and hold them close in only a little while. The fretting was getting to me. It was piled up with my recent worry over work and all I could do was think negative things.
But the sun has come out, the weather is warming and the itinerary printed.
We will laugh and eat and gossip together. We will cruise the Valley and accquaint me with all the changes that keep happening there. We will get all caught up on the latest of all things. I will spoil them as much as my wallet will allow. We will invariably wrestle on the livingroom floor. Hopefully my son will realize his extreme strength isn't necessary against Mom anymore.. lol. But I can still get him with tickling. My daughter and I will brush eachother's hair, drink too much coffee and stay up way too late talking about infinitessimally small but terribly important things. They will worry me with tales of their escapades... and impress me with their plans/dreams.
God, I'm like an over-full sponge, sodden with love for the little boogers. I can't wait!!
Hopefully that little tic I develop over my eye will quit now too. As if I didn't know I was getting close to breaking point in kid withdrawal, I have come up with a tiny twitch or tic in my eye/eyebrow when I go too long between visits.
Course, maybe I just miss the airplane food
Hope you have a grand time! Sounds like a special trip.
Woohoo, have a great time!
I bet they have a twitch of anticipation as well. Kudos on your upcoming trip.
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