Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Day Early

Loubie cannot hold back.. she's sooo cute. If she has a gift, she's constantly fighting to keep it concealed, fighting to keep herself from giving it early. This can also be accompanied by teasing. 'Don't you wanna know what I got you?' Or telling a sister what it is so they can BOTH tease me.

Well this time, I didn't get the teasing. ANNND I got my presents a day early!! Yahooo!! She's got me a teeny tiny Samsung Netbook! OMG, its just an amazing gift! We can now both sit on the laptops in front of the tv together (aren't we saddos?) when before, to use both computers meant one of us was stuck upstairs on the big machine.

She's also thought of the travelling I have to do. Being stuck in airports for interminal amounts of time. With this little beauty, I can play all the Mafia Wars I can stand, read each and every online newspaper.. all those lovely little distractions I do so enjoy.

This sweet little machine has built in wifi, an onboard webcam and god only knows what. She's even bought a wireless mouse and padded little purse for the netbook. It'll probably take me weeks to learn all it can do, but omg, what a huge surprise this was!

I think I'm spoiled :)


Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome! Nothing wrong with being spoiled.

Ting said...

Wonderful! I would love to have one of those!