Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Just Workin..

Slaving away. I'm up at five, out the door by 6.15. I create prosecution paperwork ALLL day. In my sleep, I see violations screens on my computer and have imaginary conversations with court clerks.

Except night before last.. when I dreamt about my ex. We were together in the car. It was like our old .. what, 65 ? Catalina. Only this one was white. We parked in the parking lot and hurried away for an appointment of some kind. But he looked back and saw the car had a big scrape on the door that was visible from the road.

It's not that the scrape was a surprise. The problem was that others could see this flaw when they drove by. He wanted to go back and turn the car around so no one would know it wasn't perfect. This was going to make us late.

When I woke up I discovered I'd bitten into my lip and the inside of my cheek in my sleep.

Even work doesn't get me THAT wound up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was taking you out to eat some Haggis. :)