Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Beyond the Dumping Grounds

It is not that I wish to step consciously into my harder emotional territories … or to wallow in them. In fact, I rarely, if ever share them at all beyond Lynne. But like everyone else, my experiences have shaped the attitudes with which I approach the world. These territories and how I negotiate them are intrinsically tied to my personality.

I picture myself as a sunflower. The earth and the ‘dirt’ which both tie and sustain my roots need acknowledgement and even respect. It is a very important part in the definition of ‘me’. But I am also strong. I will reach as high as I can in following my own true path. As always, my face is towards the sun. I want the same for my children.

I am a great believer in personal strength, of responsibility. Not that I always measure up… but I aspire to. With true friends, I offer myself with depth and honesty… which can include sharing those harder places. *hugs to nelle*

I am sunshiney, I am happy, I am ditzy. I read a lot. I love spy novels, Clancy, Ludlum, et al. I will sing in front of co-workers to make them smile… make goofy faces. The dirt in the house comes from my shoes as I’m always out in someone’s garden. All the neighbours talk to me. I love logic puzzles and the west side of Glacier National Park. I sew and use tiny Christmas lights as decorations in the house. (Though we also have pumpkin lights twisted around bat garland over our front door right now *wink*) I love my woman, she’s bright, funny and gorgeous and inspiring… not to mention ever-so patient.

Life IS good.

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