Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Christmas Accomplished!

I have to say I'm really pleased with the way our holidays went. Sus was, as always, a gorgeous hostess and our week in Montana was relaxing and sweet. We spent most of our time lounging around the house in our jammies and the kids came by whenever they pleased. We made a few excursions; to get the tree, to hit the mall and the grocery store. We cruised the neighborhoods to look at the lights and a particular road where the residents set up luminaria each christmas eve. Lynne and I kicked ass shooting pool one afternoon, handily beating Sus and her friend Andy while the snow fell heavily outside the windows.

The best part for me was easily the basketball game. My daughter is a junior and has been in cheerleading since beginning high school. I'd only ever seen her very first performance, when her moves were wobbly and uncertain. As these years have passed, I'd begun to feel dejected at the thought of not seeing her cheer again. So I was delighted when she told me they had a game on Friday night!!

It felt weird to walk into the packed gym, wondering if people recognized me and surreptitiously noting the differences in people I'd known. Lynne was crashed out at home, too jet-lagged to accompany me.. so Sus came with. My daughter's cheerleading mates welcomed us and seemed truly happy for her to have me there. The girls are amazing. Their routines and dances are so sharp and peppy, and their stunts are thrilling. Daughter is a 'flyer' meaning she's one that gets put way up in the air, and thrown around.. I think I sat with my mouth open wide for their whole stunt portion of the program!

I'm so proud of my girl. She has a drive and tenacity that I admire. She does her share of living for the moment but she also seems to have her eye on the future in keeping good grades, a part-time job and a clean driving record. I'm sure there's plenty she gets up to that I'll never hear about.. but I think I'm happy that way.

My son will only reluctantly give up his troublemaking ways. He's 19 and pushing life to the limits. He's funny and generous and loving, but has little focus beyond immediate gratification. I suppose most of us did the same at that age, too close to 'freedom' to act rationally. I worry about him tremendously though, hoping that he figures a future worth persuing before he screws up all chance for achievement.

I always come away from these visits with wildly fluctuating emotions and it's hard to say which aspect will present itself when I begin to write. I love them. I miss them terribly.


Anonymous said...

but has little focus beyond immediate gratification........too close to 'freedom' to act rationally.
Sounds just like my son ~sigh~
Glad you and Lynne had a wonderful holiday

nelle said...

Welcome back!

Yer son will be ok... sometimes it takes a while to find a path. Of course, that won't stop the worry, we all do! *hugs*

In my family, *I'm* the screw up!

Glad ya all had fun, hope you have had plenty of rest, and that this is a prosperous and wonderful year for bot you and Lynne.

Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly, Pammie. Many 19 year olds are little boogers. Nony was, and is, a great mom...if he doesn't learn what it takes about being a good person, it won't be due to Nony's lack of effort and admirable example. Just my humble opinion of course.

Thanks for the well wishes, ladies! Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas too!

And Nelle...thanks so much for your card! *smooch*

Trop said...

I'm so happy you had a good visit in the states and a good time with the kids and friends and family. Kids will be kids. We give them roots and wings, as the saying goes, and when they first take flight they are bound to fall a few times. With solid roots they will find their way.