Saturday, January 20, 2007

It's Plural, if I'm Being Honest

The problem with busses is that they hog a LOT of space. They have to be aggressive in their stopping and starting, else they won't get anywhere. I understand that.

Twice I came up behind the behemoths on my driving test. The first time was on a long straight stretch. I judged I had enough time & space, looked over my shoulder & signalled to the right. (drive in the left, pass or turn in the right over here) Didn't break the speed limit, just zipped around him.

Not the best move. These examiners want to see caution, complete control of the car and awareness of your surroundings. Someone could have crossed in front of the bus. I could have misjudged the speed of the car coming up behind me. But I didn't.

I suspect he may not have even considered the first episode if the second hadn't occurred. It's not like I caused or had an accident, nothing awful. It's just the second bus arrived at the tail end of my clusterfuck called the double roundabout.

You don't want to see one of these things, seriously. It's like driving into a giant spider who's determined to spin you around.. suck the life out of you. We approached from one of the roads I'm less familar with. He said straight through on the first, second exit on the second. Straight through? Straight through where?

This is where I stumble on false confidence. Instead of slowing and giving myself more time.. no, Kim, the fucking American driver, who can pilot a giant extended cab Ford pulling a trailer full of snocats... throws herself into the fray. Wahoo adrenaline...

That car over there is signalling right? Perfect, I want the left lane and pull out. Go through.... we're going over to the second roundabout. See? I'm on the right path, the confidence is working. There's the second exit, I'm signalling, checking around me. Wish I'd looked further ahead.

Because maybe four car lengths down my exit road, there's a bus. Shit mode. Here comes the second adrenaline jolt. I didn't check to see if people were waiting to board or if the bus looked ready to pull off. I just saw it, looked behind and over my shoulder again, signalled and threw the little Focus into the passing lane.

I don't blame him for failing me. My confidence doesn't leave much room for misjudgement or others' mistakes. After another lesson and some extra driving with Lynne being the hard examiner (*weg ...shivery thrill... sorry, back to task*) I can see what I've been doing and what I need to practice.

Wanna hear the worst part of failing the test? When the examiner told me he almost hit his brake when I first entered that double roundabout.

The only other people who know this sort of detail would be Lynne, the examiner and my instructor. Just don't tell anyone else. I'm trying to save face.
fucking bus,


nelle said...

No need to save, we still love ya... I hope Lynne has removed her protective gear after the lessons *tosses her a beer to relax*

Um, the very thought of 'double roundabouts' makes me like the idea of walking through the UK, but surely nothing is worse than a drive through the streets of Boston?

gone said...

After reading your story I don't know why anyone would even want to drive there. Take the bus. LOL (((hugs)))

Elle said...

Don't give up Nony, you can do it! I did, and I had to learn from scratch on English roads. But I guess they don't seem so bad to me, since I don't know anything else ;oD