Thursday, July 17, 2008

So Much

It's been ages since I've been able to face this page. Just looking at the last few posts made anything I wanted to write feel so insignificant. But things move on and the days pass whether or not I write about them. I might as well take my pleasure as I find it, indulging in my scribbles.

Mom, Dad & sister came to visit last week. We were so excited for their arrival and had a fantastic time (in spite of the wet weather!).

We took my sis to Lou's sis's 21st bday party the night they arrived. Mom & Dad hit the bed near-immediately!

Took everyone to another sis's 20th bday party, where my fam met most all of hers. They had a blast and felt completely comfortable with everyone. Dad cried later telling me how much he liked them all and how reassured he felt knowing I was surrounded by people he could see cared about us.

I took them to a local, very old church early one afternoon. The grounds are lovely and they're interested in old churchyards. The maintenance men were there and offered to let us into the church, first time I've EVER seen it opened!! So we browsed, alone for over an hour. The place is really old, the original building dating to 1100 or so. Inside even has two sarcophagi (?) of knights from the crusades! The whole place is amazing, there's so much history.

We were all ready to leave when the man came back and offered to take us into the bell tower! OM freakingG! We went up some crazy-skinny steps, straight up like a spiral staircase. It's the first time in my life I've ever felt claustrophobic but I took a breather in the clock room beneath the bells and felt better. Above the bells, we went out onto the little walkway around the tower to take in the view.

We had lunch in the nearby pub afterwards. I was surprised the way the day turned out as I'd worried I wouldn't be able to show them a good time on my own. (Lou HAD to work that day). But it was even better than I'd imagined and the fam even later said they thought it was the best day out they'd had while here!

Another day we took the train into Liverpool. They saw the Liver Building and Albert Dock. Went into the Slavery Museum there, then took a black cab to the Anglican Cathedral. Then we walked over to the Cavern district and into the Cavern where the Beatles played. We finished off with drinks at Flanagan's, an Irish Pub, before heading home.

They wanted more time in Liverpool so the next day I took them back to the station and they headed in on their own. They went back into the Slavery museum and did the Maritime Museum as well. The Tate's down there too, but Dad said he has no interest in modern art so they skipped that one. My sis said they got a bit lost on their way back to the station and she could tell Mom was getting tired (tho she wouldn't say so).

On another day we took them to Chester, so they could see the walls of the old Roman town there and the unearthed ampitheatre. The town is pretty, lots of tudor style, black and white timbered buildings and an unusual 'main street'. I was disappointed in that the tourist centre was closed for remodeling - they used to have excavated roman things on display there.. and a few interesting portions of the ampitheatre that I'd seen have now been recovered for preservation sake.

We did bbq's at the house when the weather allowed and one night got the firepit blazing and sat around it telling stories and drinking wine.

It was quite exhausting and has taken a few days to recover from all the activity. We took them to the airport on Sunday for the next leg of their trip, a week in Ireland, where Dad's family comes from. From the things they've told me... Ireland has been an adventure.

They fly back to Manchester this Friday and have an 8 hr layover before they head to London and on home. We'll meet them for a bit in Manchester before they go, to hear stories and see pics of Ireland. (LOL, they found what we believe to be Dad's grandad's old house - it's a halfway house now!)

Oh and if you've followed me this far... Friday before they arrived, Lou took a message for me. I have a new job, starting Aug 11th!! YAAAAAYYYYY!!!


nelle said...

The universe is smiling upon thee, Ms Kim!

Nice to see you write once again, nice that you shared the story(ies) with us, and...

woooooooohooooooo on the job!

Um... you aren't going to leave us hanging, right? You are going to give us details, right?

*taps fingers impatiently*

OK, I'll sneak in a *hug*

*back to finger tapping*

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new job!