Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Wasted Week

When I quit my job at the accountancy place, I gave myself a week off before starting the new job. Today is the last day of my time off and I feel sort of bummed that I haven't accomplished much.

Some of it I can blame on my period. I'm either in pain or lethargic from the pain med.Yeah, TMI.. but I'm a girl and that's what happens to girls and if you haven't figured that out yet, you prolly don't belong online.

I didn't get the garage cleaned out. I didn't get the bike tires aired up. Hey though, I did do some baking; two batches of zucchini bread, a pan of sticky buns and a batch of peanut butter cookies!

I spilled something on one of the kitchen chairs yesterday. The seats are cream-colored and after cleaning the spill, the chair looked FILTHY all around the clean spot. Lou and I picked up some dark chocolate colored, suede-like material and I recovered one of the chairs before running out of staples. We'll be picking up more staples today and looking for whatever version of scotchguard they have available here.

We're also going to take a drive to Manchester today. My new employers are holding a training week at a hotel and I've got to know how to get there! Contrary to what I originally thought, I won't be put up in a room there, but will have to commute daily. I do wish we didn't have to start with this, I'm nervous enough and would rather get right into my regular office. *huge sigh* Whatever.. The drive is 45 minutes plus whatever traffic conditions dictate.

I also have to get pictures taken for the security pass, get to go sit in a little photo booth somewhere. Ugh, how ridiculous it makes me feel, waiting for the pics to drop into the little slot, folks LOOKING at you... Let's add in my inability to take a good photo and my crappy, hormonally-landscaped complexion... yeah, I'll be needing a trowel for the makeup today. Or a burkha...

No matter, tomorrow I begin something new. I hope I like this.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea that you gave yourself a week off. ~~~~Sending good vibes~~~~~ for your new job adventure!

nelle said...

Hope your first week was beyond excellent!

I managed to slink through life without menstruating (I bet you cannot believe someone could actually lament this) but my sympathy and a healthy round of reiki for ya.

I start a temp assignment Thursday (story on my blog) yuch.

And so we await your first week results!