somehow I always manage to load these in reverse order... took these on my phone :) Above is the deck, after putting the umbrella away for the year

and before, with the umbrella. We strung little red lights in it this summer. To the table's left is the red acer we've raised from a stick and to the right, a gift for Lou's 40th, called a shrimp plant, we're told.
Our rudbeckia. We bought one small plant at the Southport Flower show many years ago. I brought it with us when we moved and now it's threatening to take over! Behind it is Loubie's chocolate plant, to the right our phlox and a peony that was here in a pot when we moved in. In front of them is our red maple. Poor red maple, didn't realize till we brought it home that the leader had been cut off. It may always be small.
Looking back towards the house, cosmos, a red robin wanna-be-tree, grapevine espaliered (sp?) to the fence, crocosmia done with their blooming and red lobelia still going strong. Next is a teeny little hydrangea dreaming of being big and last is the jasmine. Right off the deck, when the jasmine blooms, it fills the house with a gorgeous scent.
You'll maybe notice no closeup of the space behind the cosmos. The delphiniums live there and look pretty grotty after they're done. But they're wonderous in their own season. The little chartreuse conifer is about three times it original size and will probably need another location soon. Can you see the little green picket fence just behind those pots at the end? That's our veggie patch, about 13 ft to the back fence. You can see my compost bin and the green shelves to the bitty 'greenhouse' too.

and before, with the umbrella. We strung little red lights in it this summer. To the table's left is the red acer we've raised from a stick and to the right, a gift for Lou's 40th, called a shrimp plant, we're told.

You have a beautiful garden, Nony! So pretty!
Wow! Awesome - I love it.
Thanks ladies!! Stayed tuned for the Mr Hyde side, coming soon!! LOL.. the other side of the yard is still a work in progress
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